Learn Odd Numbers 1 to 100

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Odd Numbers 1 to 100

An odd number is any number that can’t be split perfectly in half by 2. Think of it like having a bunch of objects and not being able to divide them equally into two groups. When you divide an odd number by 2, you’ll always have one leftover, like 1, 3, 5, or 7. Odd numbers are the opposite of even numbers, which can be split evenly into two. The easiest way to remember them is that they’re not “best friends” with 2. From this article today we will know how many odd numbers1 to 100.

Odd Numbers Chart (1 to 100)

1 to 1011 to 2021 to 3031 to 40 41 to 5051 to 6061 to 7071 to 80 81 to 9091 to 100

Overall list of Odd Numbers 1 to 100 : 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99.

Important Notes on Odd Numbers

  • 99 is the greatest two-digit odd number.
  • There are a total of 50 odd numbers between 1 to 100.
  • 1 is the smallest odd number.
  • Numbers that are not even numbers, are odd numbers.
  • The sum of all the odd numbers from 1 to 100 is 2500.
  • The average or mean of all odd numbers between 1 to 100 is 50.

Properties of Odd Numbers

Odd numbers have some special hidden rules that show up when you add, subtract, multiply, and divide them. These are like their secret superpowers! In the next part, we’ll dive deep and explore each of these cool properties one by one. Get ready to unlock the mysteries of odd numbers.

  • Adding Two Odd Numbers: Odd + Odd = Even. example (5+5=10)
  • Subtracting Two Odd Numbers: Odd – Odd = Even. example ( 9-3=6)
  • Multiplication of Two Odd Numbers: Odd × Odd = Odd. example ( 3*3=9)
  • Division of Two Odd Numbers: Odd ⁄ Odd = Odd. example (9/3=3)

FAQS Odd Numbers

1. How many Odd Numbers are there from 1 to 100?

Ans: There are a total of 50 odd numbers from 1 to 100.

2. What are the largest and smallest odd numbers 1 to 100 ?

Ans: smallest odd numbers 1 to 100 is 1 & largest 99.

3. What is the total of odd numbers from 1 to 50?

Ans:  We know that there are 25 odd numbers between 1 to 50.

4.  Types of Odd Numbers?

Ans: Three types of Odd Numbers.

5.Is zero an odd number?

Ans: No, zero is not an odd number, because it is not divisible by 2.


Hope from this article you have got proper understanding about odd numbers and recognize odd numbers between one to hundred. If you like the article, please share it with your friends.

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