Rules for Eid Prayers

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Rules for Eid prayers

The holy Eid appears among us every year. Almighty Allah has appointed two days as Eid days for Muslims. Eid prayers are obligatory on these days. In the Holy Qur’an, Almighty Allah has said, ‘Therefore pray to your Lord and do charity. (Surah Al Kaushar, verse 2) Eid prayer is not like normal prayer. For example, there is no adhan or iqamat for the two rakat prayers of Eid. It contains six additional takbeers. There are specific rules for collecting them. Through today’s article, we are highlighting the rules and intentions of Eid prayers.

Eid prayer

There is no Adhan and Iqamat for Eid prayers. However, just like the Friday prayer, the Eid prayer should be performed by reciting the Qur’an in a loud voice. However, the difference in the Eid prayer is that an additional six takbeers must be given. Reciting Surah Fatiha with additional three takbeers by clasping hands saying ‘Allahu Akbar’ in the first Rak’at. In the second rak’ah, after reciting the surah, the rukah is performed with three additional takbeers.

The intention of prayer

Eid al-Fitr Prayer Intentions (Arabic): Nawaytu an Usalliyyah Lillahi Tayala Rakyat Salaati Eidul Fitr, Maya Chittati Takbeerati Wajibullahi Tayala Iqtadaitu Bihazaal Imam, Mutawazzihan Ila Jihatil Qabatish Sharifati Allahu Akbar.

Intentions for Eid al-Azha prayer (Arabic): Nawaytu an Usalliyyah Lillahi Tayala Rakyat Salaati Eidil Azha Maya Chittati Takbeerati Wajibullahi Tayala Iqtadaitu Bihazaal Imam, Mutawazzihan Ila Jihatil Qabatish Sharifati Allahu Akbar.

Eid prayer rules

  • To decide
  • The first rakat

1. Tahrima in Takbeer

Tahrima says ‘Allahu Akbar’ in takbeer with the intention of Eid prayer.

2. little reading

Subhanaka Allahumma wa bihamdika wa tabarakasmuka wataala jadduka wa la ilaha gairuka.

3. Giving three additional takbeers.

Abstaining from one takbeer to another for the amount of three tasbeehs. Raising both hands in the first and second takbeer and releasing them and binding both hands in the third takbeer.

4. Reading Auzubillah-Bismillah

5. Reading Surah Fatiha

6. Match the surah. Then finish the first rakat by bowing and prostrating like a regular prayer.

  • The second rakat

1. Reading Bismillah

2. Reading Surah Fatiha

3. Match the surah.

4. Giving three additional takbeers after reciting the Surah. Raising both hands along the shoulders in two takbeers as in the first rakat; Then the hands are tied with the third takbeer.

5. Then going to Ruku with Takbir of Ruku.

6. Completing the prayer by performing sajdah, tashahhud, darood, dua Masura and returning the salam.

Then the sermon

After the Eid prayer, the imam will deliver the sermon and the worshipers will listen to the sermon attentively.

Two rakats of obligatory Eid prayers are to be performed with six additional obligatory takbeers. Sahu Sijda is not necessary if there is a mistake in the additional wajib takbeer of the Eid prayer, i.e. if the takbeer is less or more or if it is omitted.


There are two Eids for Muslims every year. Every Muslim should perform this Eid prayer correctly. In this article of ours, we have highlighted the rules for performing Eid prayers, we hope it will be useful for you. If you like our article, share it with your friends and stay with us. Thank you.

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